Heartache and Wonder, Hand in Hand

I am deeply saddened by the state of the world right now, as I'm sure you are, too. I especially can’t stop thinking about the children who are experiencing hurt and loss, their lives torn apart by violence and hate. The fierce mama that resides in every fiber of my being wants to bring them all into my arms and keep them safe from harm and pain. But I cannot do this, so I help in the ways that I can from my place in life, and I know it will never be enough.

Some days I’m not sure how to function in my daily life while absorbing the amount of suffering that happens continuously in this world. I don’t want to turn away from the suffering, and yet I know I have responsibilities I must attend to, like caring for my family and doing my work.

When I feel overwhelmed and on the edge of oblivion, when I’m fully disillusioned by the human race, I head outdoors and take in the magnificence of the colors, light, sounds, and textures of this beautiful planet. I breathe deeply and soak in the physical sensation of moving through space. I remember who I am.

Most mornings, and especially on those when I am weighted down, I light a candle and look up at my vision board to take in a word or image that catches my eye. It’s wild, because it’s always exactly what I need to focus on for the day ahead.

Today, the word was "wonder."

wonder (n.): a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.

I am reminded that when I hold wonder in my mind, each moment offers me the potential to tap into my life force, to open my eyes fully, to feel ecstatic and overwhelmed by the beauty around me, even when my heart aches. I am in awe. Not just in awe of nature, but also of the kind and caring people with whom I interact when I go to the market or the bank, or on work calls with compassionate folks who are doing healing work in their communities and around the world.

I remember to soak in my 95-year-old mama’s radiant love. I stay conscious so I can learn from her and observe the way she takes in small moments, knowing her time on this precious earth is nearing its end.


And while I’m still here, I want to use my passion and purpose in ways that bring healing love and light wherever I go, to whomever I’m with. As one person, I obviously can’t heal the world. But what I can do is deal with and release as much of my own shit as possible, so I don’t spread it to others—consciously or unconsciously.

I can allow my beloveds' love to be the soothing balm that calms my nervous system and repairs my broken heart.

I can make the choice, over and over again, to rise up and continue walking towards the light.

My wishes to you and the world for peace and healing.

All my love,


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